Advance Blogger SEO Setting 2020

If you are reading this Blogger SEO Setting, that means you have created your blog with and wanted to make it SEO Friendly

So don’t worry that’s why I have come up with the Best SEO Setting For Blogger that will make your blog Search Engine friendly and help to get more traffic to your blog
The first thing you need to understand what is SEO?

What Is SEO?

SEO or say Search Engine Optimization is nothing but to optimize your website for search engines, so that web crawlers can effectively crawl your website and can determine what the site is all about
And it totally depends on you, how well you optimize it
So that’s What Is SEO in short, now let’s discuss about the Blogger SEO Setting

Best Blogger SEO Setting 2020

1. Choosing The Right Template

Ok, first thing first, you need to choose a lightweight and fast loading template for your blog. The Blogger’s default template is good, but they cannot be customized much
So you can use SEO Friendly Blogger Template or AMP Blogger Template for your blog
Theme is important because it describes the structure of your website

2. Basic Setting

Title and Description
This is the section where you can set the Title for your blog and describe what your blog is about
To do this navigate to Settings >> Basic from your Blogspot dashboard
Basic SEO Setting In Blogger
Blogspot allows up to 500 characters max, for your blog description and you should also put your main keywords in it
HTTPS Redirect
Now SSL Certificate is mandatory or else browsers will show that the site is not secure to visit and that can affect the user experience very badly
But the cool part is that Blogspot provide SSL Certificate for free
To enable it, scroll down to HTTPS section, and beside HTTPS Redirect turn it to “Yes”
Enabling HTTPS In Blogger
Ans that’s it now your website will load over https

3. Blogger Search Preferences Setting

To do this Blogger SEO Setting navigate to Settings >> Search preferences from your dashboard
Meta Tags
Search Preferences Blogger SEO Setting
This is the section where you can describe your blog, and this part is visible in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages)
The ideal length of the Meta Description should be up to 150 characters max, and after that length, it is not visible in SERP
Remember to use your main keywords in the Meta Description
Custom Robots.txt
Custom robots.txt is a simple line of code that tells web crawlers which part of your website to crawl and index them in the search results
Here is the custom robots.txt file for Blogger Blog
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
To enable it, scroll down to custom robots.txt then beside it press “Edit” and enable it, after the paste the provided code in that space and press “Save Changes”
Custom Robots.txt for Blogspot
Custom Robots Header Tags
Custom robots header tags are for search bots, and it is useful for web crawlers for recognizing when you publish and update posts on your site and notify search engines to crawl and index your website
To enable it, navigate to Custom robots header tags, click on “Edit” and Enable it
Here is the screen shot of custom robots header tags
Blogger Custom Robots Header Tags
Once you have done the setting press “Save Changes”
Errors And Redirections
Errors and Redirections In Blogspot
Custom Page Not Found: By default, your website will show a 404 page if a user lands on a page that was deleted or does not exist
The 404 page shows a message like (Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist), you can edit this message or create your own message using this setting, but that is not necessary so you can leave it like that
Custom Redirects: You can use this to redirect your deleted page to your homepage or a new blog post so that your user does not land on a 404 page and bounce back increasing the bounce rate
These are the essential Blogger SEO Setting, now let’s go one step further and see some of the On-Page SEO Setting, that can help you get more exposure to search engines

Blogger On-Page SEO Setting

Blogger On Page SEO Setting
1. Post Title
This is the section where you put the title of your article/blog post and it should contain the target keyword in it
By default, the title is considered as H1 Tag, and it is the most important SEO element in On-page SEO
2. Permalink
After you put the Post Title, the next thing to do is to set the permalink of the blog post, Blogger provides 2 types Automatic and Custom Permalink
The one is recommend is a custom permalink, so click on it and create a custom link. Remember to separate each word with dashes ( Like seo-setting-for-blogger)
3. Search Description
This is the place where you need to describe the particular blog post and this will be shown in the SERP
You can use your target keywords in it, to help search bots determine what you have written
Also, this search description is visible to the audience in SERP, so write an engaging one so that user clicks and visit your blog

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